Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's Saturday!!

I am pumped that it's Saturday! Yay. A clean slate. My favorite day of the week..
I didnt check in at Weight Watchers today since I went on Tuesday. I will weigh in officially again a week from now because the tuesday meeting kinda threw me off. I want to go to meetings twice a week if I can, but keep my weigh ins on saturdays.

Yesterday I went to the supermarket and picked up a few things. When I was making the shopping list, I almost didn't know where to start. I had to look back at my August entries to get an idea of what I was eating when weightloss seemed so simple. lol. While doing that I realized a few things:
  • Back in L.A., I tended not to spend more than 5 pts on breakfast.
  • I did better with incorporating fruits and veggies
  • It's a hell of a lot easier to lose weight when all the food in the house is geared towards healthy eating
So this week the challenge to myself is to watch out on the breakfast points, really work with my fruits and vegetables, and ignore all the food in the house that isn't 'for me'

3 egg whites
2 slices bacon
sandwich thin
4 pts
Yea, I know the egg whites look a little crazy. At first I was going to make an omlet, but remembered that I was supposed to be cheap with my breakfast points so I just folded it up without the cheese.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I forgot breakfast

Hey everyone!!

Here I am - as promised.
I went to a meeting today. I know my usual day is Saturday, but I have been not counting for so long that I really needed the meeting to make sure that I tracked today.

I was so greedy today at breakfast time that I forgot to snap a picture.

FiberOne buttermilk pancakes
1/4 cup sugar free syrup
2 slices of turkey bacon
1 tsp olive oil
(not pictured)
7 pts

So for lunch I decided to try something new.....well not actually NEW new, since I made it a couple of days ago - I made HOMEMADE pasta!!!

With whole wheat flour, eggwhites, salt and basil! My sister randomly gave me this italian recipe book and I decided to follow their recipe for fresh pasta (i just made a few tweaks). It was honestly not the fastest process, but it was fun anyway. I hope someone buys me a pasta maker for Christmas.

3/4 cup whole wheat pasta
1 tsp olive oil
2 egg whites
sauteed squash and green pepper
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
7.5 pts
I LOVE IT! Ofcourse, a big part of it is due to the fact that I made it by myself from scratch.

kettle korn
1 pt

whiting fish fillet
1 cup brown rice
1/4 cup black beans
1 tsp olive oil
cucumber and tomato
8 pts

My time away from blogging and counting points has really made me realize something about myself - I don't like to NOT be eating when other people are eating.
Big deal right? No but seriously, I have noticed that even when I am "satisfied" the sight of other people eating makes me feel like "hey...i wanna eat more food too!" Its a really sad/annoying problem to have. I had to talk to the boyfriend about it. See, he is 6'4. Used to play football. So he pretty much eats whatever he likes. And when I am around him I tend to eat like I am a 6'4 man. Its my fault. I mean, I don't expect him to change his eating habits for my sake. But I dunno, it does something to me mentally when he goes for seconds and I "can't"......ugh. i am working on it.

On a brighter note, he has been encouraging me with my running thing. I hate running outside, but for some reason running with him isn't so bad. (see what stupid love will do to you?!?)
Okay that's all for now! Look out for me tomorrow!!

Total for the day: 23.5 pts

Sunday, October 11, 2009


(waves timidly)


It's been over a month and I feel like it is prime time to get my ass back in gear. Please stay tuned for updates because I am determined to post again - and that means the good stuff as well as the bad and the ugly. Believe me there has been plenty of bad and ugly in the past month. In the time that I have been "away" I have managed to attract a couple of new followers.


Thanks for coming by and clicking that button. It means a lot to me and I promise to try and make it interesting....or at least get off my ass and post with a bit more consistency. :)


Monday, September 14, 2009

Still going

Hi everyone!! Are you surprised that I am still blogging this week? I am! LOL.
But seriously though, I am proud of these small things at this point - eating mindfully, counting points, making good choices.

Breakfast looks pretty boring right? There are mushrooms in that omlet though.

3 eggwhites
1/4 cup cheddar cheese
sandwich thin
6 pts

1 tsp olive oil
2 tbsp ff sour cream
1/2 cup black beans
3 taco shells
lettuce and tomato
8 pts

1 potato (mashed)
1 tbsp ff sour cream
2/3 cup shrimp
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp olive oil
8 pts
Oh! I also squeezed some exercise in today. Yay! I went for a bike ride around my neighborhood for an hour. I know that I have to be a bit more active if I want to see nice results on the scale this weekend.

I am considering taking up jogging. This is something I have always wanted to do and I always tell people I am going to start doing it. I am not talking about treadmill jogging though - I have that down. I want to be able to jog outside (when its not too hot) without giving up after 2 minutes. I am envious of people that I see casually jogging around the block. How can they do that?!? And quite a few of the people I know in blogland do it consistently.

Like Nessie. How do you do it girl?!? Please tell me your secret!

I am going to make an attempt this week at some point to do a test jog in my neighborhood.

Total for the day: 22 pts

Weekly Bonus Points Used: 0 pts
Bonus points remaining for the week: 34.5 pts

Not as planned

My day was a mess. I picked the boyfriend up from the airport and ended up back at his place when the original plan was to go back to mine (where my safety foods are LOL)

I ended up having my first meal around 2 pm which is totally against my beliefs but I made the best of it. As always I had pasta - I dunno why the boyfriend and I always make pasta. Probably because it is really fast and easy to make.

1 and 1/2 cup pasta
2 chicken drumsticks
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
spinach and tomato
1 tsp olive oil
9.5 pts

I was kinda pissed that I used so many points on my first meal of the day. I like to keep breakfast under 7, but considering I was kinda eating on the fly, I just adjusted the rest of my meals accordingly.

As promised, I made pizza again for lunch today. Yesterday's pizza tasted a bit better to be honest, but it was yummy all the same. And under 7 points for a personal pizza? Thats a pretty good deal to me.
Homemade pizza!
(see yesterday's post for recipe)
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp olive oil
1/3 cup mozzarella cheese
6.5 pts

Sandwich thin
1 tbsp light mayo
1 cup mexican style chicken tortilla soup w/ added tomatoes
6 pts

So even though my day did not go as planned, I managed to stay within my points. GO ME! I really want to see something nice on the scale next Saturday. I am going to continue to be very frugal with my weekly bonus points this week unless some random social event happens. I hope everyone out there is having a great week!

Total for the day: 22 pts
Weekly Bonus Points Used: 0 pts
Bonus points remaining for the week: 34.5 pts


Saturday, September 12, 2009

I counted every single point today

....and I am very proud of myself for it. It seems like such an easy thing to do, but to be honest every day is a struggle for me lately.

I went to my weight watchers meeting and was prepared for the worst. Yesterday was my boyfriend's sister's bday and (as you all can see) I did not blog. I ate so much food that it wasn't worth wasting my camera battery life on the many many meals I had. Its kinda comical the mix of different food I consumed yesterday - jamaican food for breakfast, japanese for lunch, greek for a *snack* lol (pita chips, pita bread, and hummus), and then a full on greek smorgasbord for dinner. Delicious. Not very nutritious. Oh and cake. I was prepared to be in the mid 160s. I felt pretty bloated and I woke up not feeling hungry which is a sure sign that I overate yesterday.

I was pleasantly surprised to be 162. That means that in the past two weeks I have gained 2.6 lbs. In total, I have gained 4.6 lbs since I have been back home. Would you like to hear the irony? Since I've been home the boyfriend has lost 5 lbs. LOST 5 LBS!! Practically every pound he has lost I have managed to find LOL. and I am the one making his meals! WTF?!?

There is nothing like a clean slate to make you feel like anything is possible. I ate well today. Really well. My sister borrowed my camera for the weekend because a friend of hers is getting married in Colorado so I have been forced to document my food adventures with (gasp) my camera phone :( Sorry guys!

3 egg whites
1 tsp olive oil
1/4 cheddar cup cheese
sandwich thin
5 pts

I am very mad about the quality of the stupid camera phone pictures - particularly for lunch and dinner. The pictures do not do the meals justice. SOOO GOOD!! I made the crust of the pizza myself using whole wheat flour, a little salt, water, and a bit of baking powder. It was so great that I will more than likely make it tomorrow again (hopefully by then my camera will be back in my possession)
1/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup part skim mozzarella cheese
mushrooms, green peppers
1 tsp olive oil
6.5 pts

weight watchers vanilla yogurt
(not pictured)
2 pts

2/3 cup shrimp
1 tbsp honey
1 mashed potato
2 tbsp ff sour cream
7 pts
I used the honey to marinate the shrimp. Really good. garlicky-sweet.

Weight Watchers Cookies and Cream cup
(not pictured)
2 pts

I am going to make it my goal to use as few of my weekly bonus points as possible this week - planning wise anyway. I will only use my bonus points for unplanned things - like randomly eating when visiting a friends house or something like that. I think the main thing that has been ruining my efforts *ahem* has been the fact that I have been overeating daily all on my own and then overeating a bit more when I go visit or hang out with other people.

Cross your fingers that I have my camera tomorrow!

Total for the day: 22.5 pts
Weekly Bonus Points Used: 0.5 pts
Bonus points remaining for the week: 34.5 pts


Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Source of Motivation?

Like many recent graduates out there, I am unemployed.
Lucky for me I have some supportive parents. HEY MOM!
My mother has agreed to foot my weight watcher bill until I get a job. The only stipulation is that I have to go to my meeting every week, which is something I should be doing regardless.

But just knowing that I am doing this on someone else's dime is enough to force me to do well. Its different when I am paying for it and I have a shitty week. But now that my parents are paying the tab, I feel extra motivated to do it right and do it well.

Today I will blog just like yesterday, aiming to update after each meal.

1 whole wheat english muffin
1 whole egg and 1 egg white fried
4.5 pts

Mahi-Mahi fillet
1 tsp olive oil
yellow squash
5 pts
WW Amaretto Cheesecake yogurt
1 pt

1/2 fuji apple
0.5 pts

1 cup brown rice
1/2 cup black beans
1 tsp olive oil
green pepper and tomato
2 tbsp ff sour cream
7 pts

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Alright. The Vacation is (officially) over.

I feel like crap. I have been the worst weight watcher ever. I am supposed to be watching what I eat - and I have been. Literally watching myself shove down ice cream and alcohol with abandon. Measuring nothing. Counting nothing.

My car got shipped from California yesterday and I was excited because my home scale was in it. Unfortunately, when I took it out and replaced the batteries, the stupid scale didn't work. Stupid broken scale. I really want to see how much damage I have done. Two weeks ago when I went to a WW meeting, I was glad that I *only* gained 2 lbs. And for all my fellow weight watchers out there, we all know that a 2 lb gain is easily rectified. But instead of getting my ass back in gear (like I said I would) I kept on winging it. I know my 2 lb gain has grown into something more significant. ::sigh::

I want to be more dedicated to my blogging. In LA it was easy because there was no family or boyfriend to distract me. Now I am always on the move, eating whatever comes my way. I feel a lack of control. I dont know what to do.

Today I am posting after each meal. Wish me luck.

FiberOne pancakes
1/4 cup sugar free syrup
3 scrambled egg whites
1 slice of ham
6 pts

1 c. brown rice
eggplant and tomato
1 tsp olive oil
1 tbsp pesto sauce
6.5 pts

I decided to bake something today. I made a Honey-Spice Cake (WW recipe). My intention was to have it for dessert, but I ended up eating it after lunch. I baked them in a cupcake tin instead of making into a whole cake/bun just to make it easier for serving sizes. The recipe makes 12 servings, but I only managed to squeeze out 10 with the batter. I still count each little cake as 3 pts. Oh well. My sister had one and loved it...

Honey-spice cupcake
3 pts
1 and 1/2 cup pasta
1 tsp olive oil
2 chicken drumsticks
pasta sauce
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
10 pts

Dinner was at the boyfriend's house so I ended up eating a little more than I should have. But its alright.

Total for the day: 25.5 pts

Thats all folks!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Reality. Check!

I am back "on the wagon" :) Round of applause for me!!
This week I am getting back to the basics.

I FINALLY went to my new local meeting in south Florida. It was a little different but I appreciated it all the same.

My results were much better than I expected - I am up 2 lbs (159.4). I don't know what I did to deserve such a small gain, but I am very happy with it. To be honest, I expected to be like 5lbs up considering the fact that I have not adhered to my points target since I have been back home for the past two weeks. Thank the Lord for small miracles (i.e small gains).

Here is the proof:

I know, I know it does not look as official as the previous weigh-in printouts. I guess the weight watchers meetings in South Florida have not caught up with the technology available in Los Angeles? Things are done by hand which kinda annoys me because the lady that recorded my weight did her math incorrectly and tried to jip me outta 0.4 lbs. And I had to correct it. I miss you Los Angeles with your advanced technological innovations. Oh well. But believe me, I really did go to my meeting - I am not fudging the numbers. (that would be kinda pathetic).

I really felt recharged after the meeting. I went bright and early and it really set me up for success for the day. I feel like I can't start a clean slate unless I go to a meeting.

3 egg white omelet
1/4 cheddar cheese
1 cup grapes
Sandwich Thins
5 pts

Chicken and dumpling soup
2 cheese quesadillas
1 tsp olive oil
8 pts

1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
Chicken breast
1 tsp olive oil
9 pts

Diet Soda Cake
1 tbsp chocolate syrup
(not pictured)
4 pts

I went to the mall today and bought two pairs of jeans that made my a$$ look like magic. HOLLA!

Total for the day: 26 pts
Weekly Bonus Points Used: 4 pts
Bonus points remaining for the week: 31 pts

Stay with me guys! I know that for the past two weeks I have not been as diligent as I should be. (When I don't blog, you can assume the worst as far as my eating is concerned). I am going to make a conscious effort to blog even when things are at their worst because I think it is important to see it all - the good, the bad, and the fugly.

I will work out this week but it will not be my focus. I need to find my groove with the eating. I had a whole routine in LA and I need to make sure I figure one out here. I am a work in progress.

Goals for this week:
  • Plan my meals for the day ahead of time
  • Work out at least twice
  • Go to my meeting next saturday
  • Avoid mindless eating
  • Track every meal
  • Blog!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Let there be food

hmm. Where to start?
I have been eating food as if I am preparing for hibernation. Random stuff. Grazing and eating and being lazy. I need to remind myself that I am not on vacation - this is where I live now and if I continue doing what I have been doing my tummy will explode. Not a good look.

So I have decided to try something new. I am going to write (here, in the blog) what I am going to eat the next day. Ofcourse I will leave room for variation, but I know that I work best when I have a plan. So... tomorrow's menu will be:

Breakfast - egg white cheese omelet, whole wheat english muffin with light cream cheese, and choice of fruit

Lunch - pasta tossed with eggplant, broccoli, and tomato

dinner - tilapia and brown rice

This leaves like 3 points for snacking in the day.
I WILL go to the gym tomorrow as well.
I know for certain there will be a gain on Saturday when I finally get around to going to my weight watchers meeting. I am prepared for it and I won't let it depress me. I am just going to get a head start on getting back on track before Saturday.

Pray for me and my greedy tummy :0/


Saturday, August 22, 2009

I can't wake up THAT early

Yea. So. About that weigh in....

I overslept! How can I make it to a meeting that starts at 9:30 in the morning??
I felt really guilty when I woke up so when my sister asked me to go with her to the gym, I (reluctantly) agreed. I did about 45 minutes of half-hearted cardio, but it still counts right? RIGHT???

And there is no meeting tomorrow at the location that I want to go to so....I have to wait until Monday to weigh-in which is going to through me off for next Saturday. Oh well. My points still restart today so Amen to that.

3 egg whites w/ 1 slice ff kraft cheddar cheese
canadian bacon
whole wheat english muffin
1 cup grapes
5 pts
The fun part of moving back in with my parents is that their plates are much more fun than the plain ones I had in LA.

I would like to take this time out to discuss oatmeal. Usually I am morally opposed to it. Oatmeal never fills me. If I eat it for breakfast, I am hungry within an hour. All the other bloggers out there make it and I am not sure where their oatmeal comes from or why it turns into this magically filling meal for them. That never happens for me.

Why, God? Why?

So as some kind of compromise (or a middle finger to those who get full from a bowl of mush) I had oatmeal for a SNACK! :)
Instant oatmeal
1/2 cup Silk soy milk
1/2 banana
1/4 cup blueberries
5 pts

1 tsp olive oil
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
3 pts
Nature's Valley Oat's 'n Honey bar
(not pictured)
4 pts

Hey! I want to say a BIG HELLO to the new followers of this blog. HEY!!!
I am up to ten followers now and it might not seem like much, but it means a whooooole lot to me - that someone would be interested in what I have to say :)

Okay, so the day went all down hill from here.......
I'll tell ya'll all about it later. Oh geez.

Just a quickie

This'll be a quick post.
pancake muffins
3 egg whites
1 slice fat free kraft cheddar cheese
5 pts

(chicken salad sandwich)
1 chicken breast chopped
sandwich thin
1 tbsp mayo
scallions, tomato
1 apple
7 pts

kettle korn
(not pictured)
3 pts

chicken salad sandwich
8 pts
(not pictured)

I had a really busy day today that involved baby sitting my boyfriend's niece and nephew. I got home soooo late that I did not feel like cooking anything so dinner was just a repeat of lunch. Tomorrow will be more exciting (crossing my fingers)

Total for the day: 23 pts

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back in South Florida

Hey Everyone!!

I am back in South Florida (Miramar to be exact....)
The move was pretty smooth. I was pretty nervous about my mother's visit because visitors usually give me an excuse to throw my good eating habits out of the window. And I am sure that she enjoyed me cooking her meals. (She did most of the moving/cleaning/organizing so I'd say it was a semi-even trade)

Last Saturday was weigh in day (my fave!) and I was really excited. I skipped the weigh in before that (if you all remember that far back....) because I felt like the negative results would have sent me off the deep end. Here are my results from last Saturday (8/15)

Yay! 157.4! Yay! that I am back home I have to be honest.....
I have not counted points. I've just been "winging it", which for me is a recipe for failure. But its been hard ya'll! I am out of my comfort zone. It's like I open the fridge and I don't know where to start. I have been here since Sunday and I JUST went to the grocery store today to stock up on my essentials.

I am scared of what the scale will say on Saturday.

BUT, I am excited to attend a new meeting. I really loved loved loved my L.A. meetings and I hope my new meeting is just as fun. I am not going to avoid the scale despite my lack of discipline this week. Part of the problem is that I have been eating my first meal very late in the first this was because of the time its just because I have been sleeping late and not planning my meals throughout the day...
So today my first meal was at 4:30pm. I am a work in progress. :)

Lean ground beef
Sandwich thin
1 cup grapes
9 pts

3 pts


1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta
1/2 cup fat free ricotta cheese
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
8.5 pts

SmartOnes Peanut Butter Cup Sundae
3 pts

My parents have been so impressed by my progress that I have been commissioned to be in charge of their dinners. This sucks because it makes me have to cook meals that aren't portioned into one serving. But it is great because it forces me to plan my meals around what I am preparing for dinner.

Total for the day: 23.5 pts


Monday, August 10, 2009

Baked Ziti. The Saga continues

Like I said earlier, I am trying not to purchase any more groceries for the week seeing as though I am shipping outta Los Angeles this Saturday. I am out of quite a few things so there will probably be limited fruits and vegetables for the next couple of days.

3 pancake muffins
1/4 cup blueberries
1 whole egg
1 egg white
7.5 pts

I made baked ziti again today as promised :)
1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat penne
1/3 cup Weight Watchers mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup part skim ricotta
1 tsp olive oil
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
10 pts
I am glad that I bought those individual sized baking dishes. They have really come in handy.

chicken breast
1 tsp olive oil
sandwich thin
1/2 tbsp kraft light mayo
6.5 pts
Yay! I made it through the day without using my weekly bonus points. I also pushed through 40 minutes of cardio (i am really lazy) since I have to meet my 5 day goal.

Total for the day: 24 pts

Weekly Bonus Points Used: 2 pts
Bonus points remaining for the week: 27 pts

Tomorrow is my last exam!!


Snack Attack

Hey Folks!
Today was a weird day. I felt like I snacked alot today even though I was reasonable with my points. I just felt really...munchy...I dunno.

hashbrowns (1/2 potato)
1 tsp olive oil
3 scrambled egg whites
1 slice Kraft FF cheddar cheese
1 cup strawberries
6 pts

I had to meet with team members on campus early this morning and didnt finish until late afternoon. By the time I got home I was STARVING! I was so hungry that I cooked really fast and ate really fast. And my camera battery was donezo and I refused to wait for it to charge before eating. SORRY!! No picture there.
Tilapia Fillet
4 veggie potstickers
5 pts

Like I said, I was pretty snacky today. Lunch was NOT ENOUGH! So I had to have a snack. Also not pictured!
2 corn tortillas
2 slices Kraft FF cheddar cheese
2 pts

Okay...dinner....this makes up for the fact that my lunch and snack were not pictured. I made BAKED ZITI!!! Maybe you dont understand. Maybe you are not a pasta freak like me. But when I tell you this baked ziti was amazing, IT WAS AMAZING. ...but then again I am easily impressed by the combination of pasta and melted cheese.....

1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat penne pasta
3 tbsp pureed tomato sauce
1/3 c Weight Watchers mozzarella cheese
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
1/4 cup part skim ricotta cheese
9 pts

Look at it! Dont be scared to click the picture for an exploded view of the cheesy goodness. I am not over how great this was. It is likely that I will make this tomorrow. Strike that. I will DEFINITELY make this tomorrow :)

3 pancake muffins
1/4 cup blueberries
3 pts

I made these differently from how I usually do. Instead of mashing the blueberries a bit and adding it directly into the batter, I prepared the batter, poured it into the baking tray, and plopped only a few whole blueberries into each section. Much better than how I have been making them before. Mashing the blueberries before hand kinda makes the muffin toooooo mushy. This method made them just right.

I did not work out today. I had too much work to do....

Total for the day: 25 pts

Weekly Bonus Points Used: 3 pts
Bonus points remaining for the week: 29 pts
