Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My pants are tight.

Today I restarted my C25K training program.  i restarted on Week 2 Day 1 and let me tell you my legs were talking to me the whole time.  I think they were confused since they thought we quit this whole training thing last month.  I am determined to see this plan through though.

It always helps when you have a buddy - like I said in my previous post, I have a friend that I have recruited to run a 5K with me in mid-february.  She lives in Tampa so we will be training separately, but its fun having someone to check in with.  Plus she is a bit more competitive than I am so I know I will be motivated the whole time to stay on track.  I've been trying to get my boyfriend to run the race as well and he says he will.  I am not sure if he actually wants to or if he just wants to be supportive.  We'll see what happens. 


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