Friday, July 31, 2009

Not Even the Freezer can keep me from it.

Me and Cake, Us Never part.

Okay so it turns out that cake is hella easy to defrost. Too damn easy.

I started off with one slice.

Then I had another.

It was one of those mindless eating experiences. I was on the phone when it happened so I was tempted to consider what I stuffed down my throat null and void since I wasn't paying much attention to what I was chewing. To be honest, I really wanted to slaughter a third piece. But that woulda just been out of hand. I always eat things that I am not supposed to be eating in twos anyway. I didn't wanna f*ck up the pattern I have going. Shame on me.

The day started off rather well actually.
3 egg whites
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
1 tsp olive oil
4.5 pts

1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta
1 salmon patty
1 tsp olive oil
1 tbsp fat free sour cream
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
8 pts
I dunno what happened after I ate this lunch. It was a good portion of food. I dont know if I waited too long to have lunch or what. Whatever the case is, after I ate, my stomach still felt like it was missing something. In hindsight, I probably should have bulked up the meal better with some broccoli or something.

Instead I defrosted cake.

I dont know why I felt like I 'deserved' it. Even worse, I dont know who gave me permission to dive into the second piece like I earned it. I wasted 8 whole points on cake.

5 corn tortillas
2 tsp olive oil
diced onions tomato cilantro
1/2 c black beans
8 pts
Total for the day: 28 points


Okay so let me just say I dont have a problem going over my daily allowed points. Like I've said before, weight watchers gives weekly bonus points to use if you need them. My problem is, I dont like feeling out of control when it comes to eating. Like why wasn't one slice of cake enough? No one eats cake to feel full. So why do I do that? Its weird.

Personally, I know that I lose weight best when I use bonus points only on the weekend (right after a weigh in) and stick to my daily points allowance throughout the week. Ugh.

I guess I am gonna be in for a treat when I step on the scale on saturday.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sorry for the neglect!

Ugh I've been busy. Like I said, I'm finishing my last 3 weeks of classes so I missed a day of blogging. Yesterday I ate fairly well. It was a pretty boring day of food so I wont even upload the pics of it all. I did have a slice of the freezer cake LoL. It was great! After it defrosted it actually tasted better than the first day I had it. Weird. I had 27 points yesterday - using 5 of my weekly bonus points. I was kinda annoyed by it because I ate a 5 point Clif bar unnecessarily. Nessie suggested that I try the Clif Z bar instead as it is less calories so I'll look out for them.

I worked out again last night - this time I managed to pull off an hour jogging and walking on the treadmill. And then I did the whole routine of lunges, pushups, and booty toning stuff. And now everything is sore.

Okay here's the food for today:
3 egg whites
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
1 tsp olive oil
4 pts

I bought these individual little baking trays yesterday and I used them to make a little individual lasagna. I had the noodles as well but I had already planned out my points for the day and couldnt "afford" the noodles. LoL. Soooo... instead of the noodles I just used the eggplant. I was surprised that it turned out good. It wasnt as solid as a lasagna with noodles would be, but it was yummy all the same.

Eggplant "lasagna"
1/4 c part skim ricotta cheese
1/4 c mozzarella cheese
tomato sauce
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
4.5 pts

1 pt

I have never been a fan of peaches. I have a childhood memory of my mom packing little canned fruit cocktails in my lunch and I hated them. Eww. Canned peaches are gross. And I guess I thought canned peaches were a representation of real, fresh peaches so I have avoided them all my life. I bought one the other day just to try it because the price was right. LoL. And it was good. I will buy peaches in the future.
chicken breast
1 tsp olive oil
1/2 c black beans
1 c brown rice
9 pts

1 banana
1/4 cup blue berries
(not pictured)
4 pts

Total for the day: 22.5 pts
I felt too sore to do any exercise today so...none for me thanks!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pushing Through

I wanted pancakes this morning but didn't want to have that stupid 2 pt syrup with them. So I tested the muffin thing. I prepared the batter just like the directions say on the Fiber 1 box and added 1/2 cup blueberries to the batter. Muffins came out great!!


3 blueberry pancake muffins
1/2 chicken sausage
3 egg whites
6 pts

Kettle Korn
1 pt

Alright, I am getting tired of the Kettle Korn. I realize I like it because it takes a while to eat and its only 1 point. Any ideas on other low point snacks besides fruit? Lemme know!!

1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta
egg plant and red bell pepper
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
6 pts

For some reason, right after lunch I was STARVING. I don't know what's going on. My meals so far have been "filling", but my stomach is craving more food! WTF?! I really hate this feeling because it tends to lead me to overeat or make poor food choices. I talked to my homie who happens to read my blog (Hi PIE!!!) and she said that I need to eat more meat. I am not a big meat eater. Besides eggs, I dont think it would be very hard for me to stop eating meat...oh wait except for Jamaican food. Whatever the case is I am going to try to eat MORE MEAT!!

1/2 banana
3 pts

Hey! I also did a random workout today. I jogged and walked a bit on the treadmill for 30 minutes. (I really dont know where my endurance went). Then I did some calisthenics - lunges, pushups, some crazy side to side jumping thing that I saw in Jillian Michaels' Thirty day Shred, and some booty exercises. YEA I SAID IT. I felt like I could take over the world so I put on some boxing gloves and punched this big boxing thing. No clue what its called. Picture Rocky. Not the balloon looking thing. The big ol' body bag looking thing. haha. Im a girl.

REAL chicken breast
Sandwich thin
5 pts

1/2 Banana
1 pt

My dinners for the past 2 nights have been pretty lame. I mean they tasted great, but eh. Not the most creative. For one, I ate dinner pretty late and secondly, I have basically come to the end of my food inventory LoL. Tomorrow I am restocking and I plan on buying some new things. I want to try to make an individual size veggie lasagna. I also want to try to artichokes. I have no idea what to do with an artichoke but lets see how it plays out!

Total for the day: 22 pts.
I cant believe I pulled it off today.


Monday, July 27, 2009

I miss my point!

Losing a point on Weight Watchers really messes with me mentally. All day today I was wondering how in the world I would survive without that extra point. Then I started thinking that when I am close to my goal weight, I am gonna have to give up yet ANOTHER precious point. ugh! This hurts.

I was all about my fruits and vegetables today. There was a moment when I wanted to open my freezer and grab a piece of cake that I stashed away. But luckily, I was too lazy to take it out and too impatient to wait for it to defrost. Plus today I really wanted to test out my 22 point restriction and not dip into my weekly bonus points.

1/2 cup blueberries
1 whole wheat english muffin
1 tbsp WW cream cheese
3 scrambled egg whites
kraft ff cheddar cheese (in eggs)
4 pts

Kettle Korn
1 pt

5 corn tortillas
1/2 cup black beans
2 tbsp fat free sour cream
stir fried eggplant, red bell pepper, onions
5.5 pts
1/2 banana
1/2 cup blue berries
(not pictured)
3.5 pts

I took a late evening nap and I woke up feeling like I wasted my day doing nothing. I felt like a little exercise. I threw on my work out clothes before I could change my mind.

Hello old friend!

That's my treadmill in the basement of my apartment building. Yes. It is mine. There are other treadmills in the gym, but this one is my old faithful. I had such a hard time today though. I really struggled jogging - I stopped jogging after a mile and a half and started walking. Then after 30 minutes I just gave up. I was really exhausted

"chicken" patty
Sandwich thin
Kraft ff cheddar cheese
1 apple
1/2 banana
8 pts

Total : 22 pts


Saturday, July 25, 2009

I've Been Evicted!!


FROM THE 160's!!!!


This is great!
That number is definitely foreign to me. Honestly, I feel like the only time I know for sure I weighed lower than this was the day I was born!

However, I would like to take this time to mourn the loss of a point. In weight watchers, every time you enter a new "decade" of weight, your daily points target decreases by one. So now that I am in the 150s (crazy!) my points target decreases from 23 to 22.
Join me in this moment of silence....

Okay so now I am entering new territory with the weight and I am nervous. I have a tendency to sabotage myself (damn you snickers bars!) So I will have to be extra careful this week. That being said, I plan on making a cake this evening. haha. Saturday is just a day where I kinda relax with my points. I allow myself to use my weekly bonus points if I want, and I have already made plans for some of them with this cake. We'll see how it turns out.

I did have a clif bar today :) I accomplished my goal of holding out for a week, and since the week is over.....CLIF BAR FOR DEE!

Cliff bar
5 pts
Also, its Saturday and I am breaking my habit of buying ready made meals. (The fact that budget constraints prevent me from splurging for the next few days also helps) So right after the meeting today I raced back home to make something before work.

3 egg whites
Whole Wheat english muffin
1 tbsp WW cream cheese
1/2 chicken sausage
4 pts

I was very hungry after work but I had to stop at the supermarket to pick up the box cake I was gonna make later and I HATE going to the supermarket hungry. So I picked up ANOTHER clif bar :)
Clif Bar
(not pictured)
5 pts

Whole Wheat Pita
Red and Green bell peppers
1/3 cup mozzarella cheese
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
5.5 pts

1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta
Tilapia fillet
1 tbsp sour cream
spinach, diced tomatoes, garlic
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
9 pts

It was similar to what I made a few nights ago except I didn't add the butter. It was not as tasty without the butter, but I still liked it!

Okay and for the big finale, I made a Betty Crocker Super Moist Triple Chocolate Fudge Cake! Instead of preparing the batter by the instructions on the back of the box, I only added 2 egg whites and 1 can of diet Coke to the mixture. I found the recipe at Gina's Weight Watcher's Recipes Blog.

After it finished baking, I cut it into 12 squares. Before I even had my piece, I packed the eleven other servings in sandwich bags and put them in the freezer!!! Clearly I know that I cannot be trusted with extra servings of cake lying around my house. And I don't want to have a repeat of the dishwashing liquid intervention.

I snapped a photo midway through my packing

After all the extra pieces were packaged and packed safely in the freezer, I served myself!
Topped the cake square with that Dreyer's individual serving of Vanilla bean ice cream I mentioned in an older post and a table spoon of chocolate fudge!!!

8 pts

Total for the day: 36.5 pts!!!



23 More Days!

Okay so I have not really said much about myself in these posts - mostly because the people who read it on the regular already know these things about me. But in an attempt to put myself out there a little more for any random internet surfer/blogger/blog reader I guess I should talk about my personal life a little (there's more to it than food and weight after all...)

I am in graduate school at the University of Southern California (majoring in Industrial Engineering). In 23 days, my academic journey will FINALLY come to an end!! WOO HOOO!! After this is all finished I am heading back home to South Florida to hopefully find a job.
I am definitely excited about the move back because I miss my family, my friends, and the boyfriend :)

The only thing that I am concerned about is how the move will impact my weight loss. I have a good thing going here. I live alone, I cook for myself - there is a sense of control that I have here in Los Angeles. Hopefully I can take that with me when I head back home.

Anyway, I am just going to dedicate the next 23 days to really watching what I eat and staying focused because who knows what the move back home will bring?

3 egg whites
1 apple
grilled cheese sandwich
(2 slices reduced cal. bread, 2tbsp WW cream cheese, 1 slice kraft ff cheddar)
5 pts
Kettle Korn
1 pt

Salmon Burger
french fries (made myself)
7 pts

5 corn tortillas
1/2 cup black beans
chicken breast (chopped up)
diced onions, tomatoes, cilantro
9 pts
2 pts

24 points in total today!
Weigh In tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mind Body Disconnect

Despite being overweight, I have never actually hated my body. Even at my highest weight, when I looked in the mirror I never felt gross about what I saw.

So why is it that suddenly, after losing 25 lbs, I feel fat?

I dont know what it is. I can't explain it. I feel more self conscious about my body than I ever have before. Before I joined weight watchers I looked back at my freshman year weight (160) as this magical number. And now that I am here it just feels like....ok....what was all the fuss about? THIS is what 160 feels like? Thats it?

Maybe I expected fire works.

I know a part of it is due to the fact that I still have a ways to go. And even though I am technically not "obese" I still feel like I am in my mind. Its weird.


Where did my motivation go?

I actually enjoy working out. I like that feeling of accomplishment when I've worked through an hour of cardio. Before I started this blog I was on this streak of enjoying jogging. (Not outside though, I am a wimp. I <3 the treadmill). But I finally got to the point where I could jog for three miles straight. I know for the runners out there 3 miles aint much, but for me this was a huge deal! Three whole miles straight!

I haven't been to the gym since Monday.
I haven't been on a treadmill in nearly three weeks.
I can't even guarantee that I'll work out tomorrow either.
I'm rebellious.

I really dont know what I am waiting for. Maybe a gain? Some sign that'll force me to be more dedicated to exercise. I COULD make the excuse and say Ahhh, I am a graduate student, I dont have time for the gym..... But I definitely took a nap today for two hours. LOL. We'll see what happens.

fried egg (1 whole, 2 egg whites)
Whole wheat english muffin
2 tbsp WW cream cheese
4.5 pts
The fried egg looks like an omlette because I used 2 extra egg whites to bulk it up. It was too big to flip, so I folded it like an omlette in the pan. The yolk is tucked nicely on the inside.

Fiber One Bar
2 pts
I avoided the Clif bar at the vending machine! Yay Me!

1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
diced tomatoes
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
3.5 pts
kettle korn
1 pt

1 cup brown rice
1 egg
peas, carrots, red bell pepper
12 pts
I was stingy with my points early in the day because I wanted to make this fried rice. Really good. Beef is expensive points-wise.
Total points for the day: 23

Until tomorrow!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On a tight Budget

I know I *promised* to switch up my menu to include new foods. The best I could do this week was incorporating some red meat in a few of my meals. (Not sure if this is a good or bad thing) Whatever the case may be, I AM BROKE! I am a poor college student that won't get payed until NEXT Wednesday, prepared for more tilapia and my vegetables slowly and surely becoming more scant as the week goes on. This is going to be a challenge.

I gotta get a different pancake syrup because the one I have right now is 2 pts and I feel like its a waste when I know there are other syrups out there for 1 pt per serving. In the meantime, my cheapness prevents me from buying a new one before this one is completely finished.

French toast
1/2 banana
1/4 cup lite syrup
3 scrambled egg whites
5.5 pts

When lunch time rolled around I wanted to see if I could make it work with the least amount of points possible. I really dont know why no one ever introduced me to the wonders of corn tortillas. 5 tortillas for about 2.5 pts?!? I'll take that.

5 corn tortillas
2 tbsp hummus
sauteed onion, green and red pepper in 1 tsp olive oil
4.5 pts

1/2 banana
3 pts

Kettle Korn
(not pictured)
1 pt

1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta
salmon patty (all chopped up)
1 tbsp butter
1tbsp sour cream
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
garlic, tomato, and spinach
10 pts


Honestly, dinner was the best meal for me today. Ahhh! So freaking good! I dont usually cook with butter because I don't really like the smell of it (weird I know..) but I did not have any pasta sauce. So I made this garlic butter sour cream concoction that was GREAT! I know you're probably thinking SOUR CREAM? I barely used a table spoon and it just made the sauce a little thicker. My camera bites and you cant see it, but there is sauce! :)

That brings my total for the day to 24 pts!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I ate all day today

I am making an effort to have breakfasts under 4 points. I visit other blogs and it seems like they do such a good job with a small amount of points. I actually feel bad that I basically eat the same thing for breakfast everyday. Sorry. I like eggs.

I am thinking of trying one of those fun oatmeal concoctions that seem popular in other blogs. But whenever I've had oatmeal for breakfast in the past, I am hungry an hour later. And points-wise, I dont wanna waste points on something thats not gonna hold me over for at least 3 hours. Any suggestions?

Oh! I've decided to include the points of my meals in the posts.

Omlette made with:
3 egg whites
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
1 cup strawberries
3.5 pts

Whole Wheat Pita
2 tbsp hummus
1 apple
4 pts

Tilapia fillet
1/2 cup black beans
diced onions, tomatoes, cilantro
2 tbsp ff sour cream
4 corn tortillas

1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
2 tbsp parmesan cheese
meatless meatballs
7.5 pts

I ate plenty of food today for a total of 22.5 pts. My points target is 23, but I'm not fussing over the missing half point.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Are you there, Exercise? Its me...Dee

So after last nights angel food cake debacle, I decided it was time to end my hiatus from exercise. I have not been to the gym in a little over 2 weeks. Yup, its true.
So when I woke up this morning, I had a small breakfast.

3 scrambled egg whites
1/2 apple

After breakfast, I went to the gym on campus. I had every intention of having a two hour work out (1 hr on elliptical, 1 hr on stationary bike), but after the elliptical, I was pooped! I tried to do the bike but didnt last more than 15 minutes. But hey! I finally ended my couch potato vacation and had some decent cardio.
Morningstar "chicken" patty
kraft ff cheese
Sandwich thin

This is my third day of my no scale mission and its been alright. I stepped on the scale last night out of habit and stared down at it in confusion for a few seconds before I remembered I had taken the battery out. I kinda miss it, but I don't miss the anxiety or the obsession. I am pretty confident that I wont feel the need to put the battery in before my official weigh-in on Saturday during the meeting.
Snack - kettle corn
Pepper steak
1 green pepper
1 cup brown rice
1/2 cup black beans
Dessert - Banana

Today was a good day!


Dishwashing Liquid is very useful

I am running low on groceries and I wasn't in the mood today to restock veggies and such. Today's menu was pretty boring...
1 chicken sausage
3 scrambled egg whites
1 whole wheat english muffin
2tbsp WW cream cheese

snack - kettle korn

1 fuji apple
mixed greens
snack - yogurt


1 cup brown rice
Chicken sausage (its in there)

Okay so here is where the dishwashing liquid comes in.
Remember that mini angel food cake I used for my dessert last night? Yea well it came in a pack of six. Today I found myself mindlessly eating one.....and then another.....and I really wanted a third one but decided that would be ridiculous. So I doused the remaining mini cakes with dishwashing liquid and threw them away. ::sigh::

Tomorrow should be a better day :)
