Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On a tight Budget

I know I *promised* to switch up my menu to include new foods. The best I could do this week was incorporating some red meat in a few of my meals. (Not sure if this is a good or bad thing) Whatever the case may be, I AM BROKE! I am a poor college student that won't get payed until NEXT Wednesday, prepared for more tilapia and my vegetables slowly and surely becoming more scant as the week goes on. This is going to be a challenge.

I gotta get a different pancake syrup because the one I have right now is 2 pts and I feel like its a waste when I know there are other syrups out there for 1 pt per serving. In the meantime, my cheapness prevents me from buying a new one before this one is completely finished.

French toast
1/2 banana
1/4 cup lite syrup
3 scrambled egg whites
5.5 pts

When lunch time rolled around I wanted to see if I could make it work with the least amount of points possible. I really dont know why no one ever introduced me to the wonders of corn tortillas. 5 tortillas for about 2.5 pts?!? I'll take that.

5 corn tortillas
2 tbsp hummus
sauteed onion, green and red pepper in 1 tsp olive oil
4.5 pts

1/2 banana
3 pts

Kettle Korn
(not pictured)
1 pt

1 and 1/2 cup whole wheat pasta
salmon patty (all chopped up)
1 tbsp butter
1tbsp sour cream
1 tbsp parmesan cheese
garlic, tomato, and spinach
10 pts


Honestly, dinner was the best meal for me today. Ahhh! So freaking good! I dont usually cook with butter because I don't really like the smell of it (weird I know..) but I did not have any pasta sauce. So I made this garlic butter sour cream concoction that was GREAT! I know you're probably thinking SOUR CREAM? I barely used a table spoon and it just made the sauce a little thicker. My camera bites and you cant see it, but there is sauce! :)

That brings my total for the day to 24 pts!



Anonymous said...

Kudos on your creativity with the sourcream/garlic sacue! I got so hungry after I enlarged your pictures :o) hmmm hmmm good!


Dee Lighter said...

LoL! I had to decide between the sour cream and the light mayo. I stand by my choice :)
It turned out great!

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